So NUTS about you Elephant!!

I’m so EXHAUSTED after today’s Valentine’s Day party for the little Munchkins in my family, BUT I just had to post this! Remember the tags from Dolce Drive on the So Nuts about you post? Well, Andrea so kindly designed and printed some beautiful paper goods for the party! One of my favorite details of the party were the foam Elephants that I used as inspiration for color which I paired up with Nutter Butter cookies and couldn’t have been happier! Originally, I was going to bake and decorated Peanut shaped cookies but with all the party details I had to take care of, I ran out of time!! I ran into this last box of cookies at the store and I grabbed it right away! I knew it would work…but I didn’t know it would be so PERFECT!!! I just loved how they turned out!

How cute is this?!!! Each child had their elephant and cookies and their place setting… Defintely something adorable to make for treats for any Valentine!

Best part….Dolce Drive provided a FREE printable of the tags!!! Enjoy!

So NUTS over You

Lilly ❤